50+ Body Parts Specialist – Medical Doctor Types
Have you ever had difficulties while approaching the body specialist when you’re sick and due to which you’re embarrassed? If your answer is “Yes” and want to get rid of this problem then learn all these vocabularies related to Medical Doctor Types that I’ve mentioned right below.

obstetrician – दाई
( Obstetrix – midwife ; – ician : expert )
A physician who helps in the delivery of an infants
obstetrics is the medical specialty dealing with children
adj: obstetric or obstetrical
- There must be a senior obstetrician present at the time of delivering baby.
paediatrician – बच्चों का चिकित्सक
(greek Paidos – children; – ician : expert )
a practitioner who takes care of an infant after its birth in supervising, growth and development
- Being parents of two kids, I know the role of a paediatrician in their growth.
dermatologist – त्वचा विशेषज्ञ
(greek Derma – skin ; logy- study or science ; -ist : suffix for sb)
a doctor who studies about skin and treat diseases of skin
- I’ve suggested my mother to go to a dermatologist, for she’s got rush all over her body.
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opthalmologist or oculist – नेत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ
a doctor who treats the disorders related to eye
( greek Opthalmos – eye ; Latin Oculus – eye; logy – study or science ; -ist : suffix for sb)
- The opthalmologist suggested me not to go outside in the sunlight as it causes some problems in my eyes
ocular (adj) – आँखों से संबंधित
( Latin Oculus – eye)
pertaining to the eye
- I’m not able to concentrate on my study due to occur pain.
- A piece of the popped balloon damaged my eyesight to some extent
monocle – एक आँख के लिए चश्मा
(monos – one)
a lens or eyeglass for one eye
- There was time when people used to wear a monocle.
- It was a trend for wealthy people to wear a monocle.
binocular – दूरबीन
( Latin Oculus – eye; bi – two)
it’s field glasses that magnifies/increases the range of eyes
- Hold this binocular and have an eye on them.
- Use this modern binocular there are some interesting features in it
inoculate (v) – टीका लगाना
(in – inside ; Latin Oculus – eye or puncture or hole)
to vaccinate by injecting serum in body made on skin against a disease
- I was said to wiggle my finger after having been inoculated the vaccine against coronavirus.
Optometrist (OD) – नेत्र चिकित्सक जो चश्मे से दृष्टि से संबंधित समस्याओं का इलाज करता है
One (not a doctor) who measures vision and prescribe the corrective lens
and the specialty is called optometry
(greek – opsis or optikos – sight or vision; metron – measurement}
- I had a very bad experience with an optometrist. He was not qualified enough to prescribe a lens for my eyes
optician – जो आपके आँखों के लिए चश्मा बनाता हो ।
(greek – opsis or optikos – sight or vision; – ician means expert)
specialist (not a doctor, opticians do not examine any patients) who fills prescriptions written by either an opthalmic optician or optometrist for lenses
specialty of opticians is optics
adj: optometric or optometrical or optical
- It was quite difficult for me to distinguish the meaning of an optician or an optometrist but since I’ve started following hindiseenglish .com has made my all doubt clear
orthopaedist – हड्डियों और जोड़ों का विशेषज्ञ।
(greek Orthos : straight or correct; Paidos – child)
a doctor that treats all deformities, injuries and diseases related to bones and joints of adults and children.
earlier, it was only for children.
adj – orthopaedic
- When I was a kid i didn’t know that there’s a specialist for each part of our body to examine that in case if bones and joints it’s an orthopaedist
orthodontics – दांतों और जबड़ों से संबंधित समस्याओ का इलाज।
(Greek root Orthos : straight or correct; Odontos : tooth)
alignment or straightening of the teeth with the help of braces and other things that is used in it by a orthodontist when there’s problem with biting food
adj: orthodontic
- I’d problems with my teeth some of them were crooked therefore I went to an orthodontist to straighten them.
an orthodontist – दंत चिकित्सक
(Greek root Orthos : straight or correct; Odontos : tooth)
one who straightens your crooked or bulk teeth with the help of braces and other things
The girl rejected his proposal because of not having a organised teeth like a normal person so he took help of an orthodontist to straighten them and proposed her to tie a knot with him.
a cardiologist – हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ
(Greek root Kardia : heart; Logy: study or science)
one who studies the heart and deals with all disease and disorders of the heart
- The cardiologist warned him not to consume any alcoholic things or else you’ll no longer survive on this planet.
- The cardiologist says him there was a blockage in flowing blood and it caused the cardiac arrest
you’re reading: medical doctor types
cardiac – दील सेर संबिधित
(Greek root Kardia : heart )
pertaining or related to the heart.
- Do yoga and meditation to be hale and hearty and not to suffer from any cardiac disease.
cardiogram (EKG or ECG) – हृदयक्रिया लेख
(Greek root Kardia : heart )
gram – letter, written )
a graphic trace of heartbeat that is electrically produced
- The cardiogram declared me dead but because of the blessings and love of my mother once again I’m revived
cardiograph – हृदय की मांसपेशियों की गतिविधि को रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए एक मशीन
(Greek root Kardia : heart )
graph – writing ,recording , written )
A tool or an instrument that records cardiogram is called cardiograph
- The famous comedian Mr bean sneaked to the operation theatre and stole the cardiograph to help a retired cardiologist
you’re reading: medical doctor types
neurologist – तंत्रिका तंत्र विशेषज्ञ
one (physician) who studies physical disorders of the nervous system
(Greek neuron : nerve; Logy : study/speech)
adj: Neurological
- The neurologist told the mother that the child was born with deformities and reason of that was seemed to have some problem in the nervous system.
neuralgia – दिमागी दर्द
(Greek neuron : nerve; algos : pain)
pain in the entire nerves and their branches
syn: neurodynia
- Apply this oil to get rid of neuralgia.
- Do you suffer with neuralgia because I’ve noticed you with some Irritability and acrimonious in behaviour
neuritis – तंत्रिका की सूजन से संबंधित
(Greek neuron : nerve; -itis: inflammation)
related to the inflammation of a nerve
Since I’ve met the accident I’ve been experiencing neuritis.
- Generally,Injuries, infections, and autoimmune diseases cause neuritis.
neurosis – (Greek neuron : nerve; -osis : abnormal or diseased condition)
emotional or personality disturbance, caused due to health issues, etc
adj: neurotic (adj) , noun
- The girl whom he used to love a lot made him suffer from neurosis.
psychosis – (Greek psyche- mind/soul/spirit, -osis : abnormal or diseased condition)
abnormal condition of the mind emotional disturbance is caused due to health issues etc
- Since then the girl was gang-raped, the whole personality of her has been changed and also having some serious mental illness and the specialist (psychiatrist/neurologist/psychoanalyst) named it psychosis.
psychotic – (Greek psyche- mind/soul/spirit, -osis : abnormal or diseased condition)
the break away from an ability to perceive what is real and what is fantasy
- Typically, psychotic patients do not like to be surrounded with people.
paediatric – [Paidos (paed) : child; -iatria : medical healing]
related to the medical care of children
- Whenever you notice sth wrong with your kids in terms of health, take them to that hospital where they provide the best paediatric care for your kids.
geriatrics – (Greek geras: old age; -iatria: medical healing)
It’s natural that if we turn over 60 then our muscle and cartilage will start deteriorating therefore we must not disrespect any geriatric patient.
Gerontologist/Geriatrician – (Greek geras: old age; Logy : study/science ; – iation: expert)
one who study of the aging process
- There’s a gerontologist live over there next to my house and he gives free treatment to the geriatric patients.
paedatrician – {Paidos (paed) : child; -iation: expert}
one (a doctor) who is an expert in dealing with the diseases of children
- A paediatrician must have a smiling face (gigglemug) to examine the problems of children in a better way.
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