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animals and their sounds in Hindi and English

This is the list of all animals and their sounds and words used in this list are in Hindi and English which will help you to understand how a particular animal sounds. The words used in the list are in the forms of nouns and Verbs.

In this blog, We’ve also included some of the other sounds to make it more informative.

Animals and Their Sounds
Animals and Their Sounds

All Animals Sounds


Baa /Bleat (n/v) – The sound of a goat or sheep. (बकरी या भेंड की आवाज।)


Bark (n/v); bow-wow (n) – the sound of a dog (एक कुत्ते की आवाज)


Bay (n/v) – the crying sound of a dog or wolves (कुत्ते या भेड़िये की रोने की आवाज)


Bellow(n,v) – the sound of a cow, a bull, or a big animal (elephant).(गाय, बैल या बड़े जानवर (हाथी) की आवाज)


Birdsong (n) – singing birds; The sound of a bird. (एक पक्षी की आवाज)


Bray (n,v) – the sound of a donkey or a mule (गधे या खच्चर की आवाज)


Buzz (n,v) – the low humming sound of a flying insect (एक उड़ने वाले कीट की हल्की गुनगुनाहट)


Cackle (n/v) – (of a bird, typically a hen or goose) give a raucous, clucking cry.; emit a loud, unpleasant/shrill kind of laughing (कुड़कुड़ाना; कूं-कूं; कूं-कूं करना;)


Caterwaul (n,v) – to howl or screech like a cat; to quarrel; a harsh or noisy cry; a racket


Caw (n,v) – the loud, rough cry of a bird such as a crow (कांव-कांव करना)


Chatter  (n,v) – blathering (बकवास करना)


Cheep – the short weak cry of a young bird (भिनभिनाना;किकियाना;चिड़ियों के बच्चों की चूँ-चूँ की आवाज़)


Chirp (n,v)- a sharp high-pitched sound made by small birds or insects (छोटे पक्षियों और कुछ कीड़ों का) चीं-चीं करना, चहचहाना, झंकारना


Clip-Clop (n,v)– a sound made by horses’ hooves on a hard surface (घोड़ों के चलने से आने वाले आवाज )


Cluck (n,v)- the noise made by a chicken (चूजे़ की आवाज़, कुट-कुट, किड़-किड़)


Cock-a-doodle-doo (n)– the noise made by an adult male chicken/rooster (cock) (मुरग़े की आवाज़, मुरग़े की बांग, कुकड़ूँ-कूँ)


Coo (n,v)– make a soft murmuring sound;to make a soft low sound like a bird (a dove) (कूकना, कबूतर जैसे गुटरगूं करना)


Croak (n,v)– a deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow (टरटराना;मेंढक का टर्र-टर्र करना)


Gobble (n,v)– devour, gulp; the loud rapid gurgling sound made by male turkeys (गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज़)


Growl (n,v)– a sound some animals make when they are angry (एक आवाज जो कुछ जानवर गुस्से होने पे करते हैं )


Growl – low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog) (खतरनाक आवाज़)


Grunt (n,v) – to make a short low sound as a pig makes (सुवर की आवाज)


Hee Haw (n,v)– The sound made by a donkey; a dated expression to show that the speaker is joking. (गधे का रेंकना;ढेंचू-ढेंचू)


Hiss (n,v) – to make a long noise like the letter ‘s’


Honk (n,v) – any similar sound, as of an automobile horn.


Hoot (n,v)– the loud, deep sound made by an owl (फुफकार;


Howl (n,v)

  • (of a dog, wolf, etc.) to make a long loud cry
  • to make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, amused, etc.
  • (of the wind) to blow hard and make a long loud noise
  • to say something loudly and angrily

Howl – a long loud wailing cry of a dog, wolf, etc. (कुत्ते or भेड़िया की जोर से रोने की आवाज)


Mew (n,v) – crying noise of a cat, high pitched; the high-pitched crying noise of a cat or bird (बिल्ली के रोने का शोर)


Miaow (n,v)– the sound a cat makes (बिल्ली की आवाज)


Moo (n,v)– a low, deep sound made by a cow (गाय द्वारा की गई गहरी आवाज)



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Moo (n/v) – the sound of a cow (cattle) (गाय की आवाज) (मवेशी)


Neigh (n,v)– (verb) To make a long, loud high-pitched sound like that of a horse. (घोड़े की तरह तेज आवाज)


Oink (n,v)– the sound a pig makes  (सुवर की आवाज)


Purr (n,v)– (of a cat) Make a low continuous vibratory sound usually expressing contentment (म्याऊँ)


Quack (n,v)– to make the usual sound of a duck (बतख की आवाज)


Roar (n,v)– a deep, loud noise made by an animal such as a lion, or by someone’s voice (जंगली पशु की गरज)


Snarl (n,v)– To make an angry sound showing teeth (दांत दिखाते हुए गुस्से से करने वाली आवाज)


Snuffle (n,v)– to breathe noisily through the nose (आवाज करते हुए साँस लेना)


Squawk (n,v)– (of a bird) Make a loud and harsh noise (कठोर आवाज)


Squeak (n,v)– a short, high-pitched sound or cry (अप्रिय लगने वाली आवाज)


Squeal – a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry (अप्रिय लगने वाली आवाज)


Squee (n,v)– used to express great delight or excitement


Trill (n,v)– A quavering or vibratory sound 


Trumpet (n,v)– a brass musical instrument with a nice tone


Tu-whit tu-whoo (n)– used in writing to represent the sound made by an owl


Vocalization (n) – Wordless singing, often to a vowel sound such as ‘ah’


Warble (n,v) – To sing in a melodious manner ;(of a bird) to sing pleasantly


Whimper (n,v) – cry weakly or softly; whine


Whine (n,v)– complain (in a sad voice); make a high sad sound (as in pain or supplication)


Whinny (n,v)– neigh like a horse


Whistle (n,v)– A thing you blow that makes a sound


Woof (n)– The barking sound made by a dog


Yap (n,v)– bark in a high-pitched tone



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Yappy (adj)– High pitched, annoying, incessant, eg. ~ dog barking


Yelp (n,v) – to utter a quick and sharp cry, as a result of pain


Yip (n,v)– bark in a high-pitched tone


Yowl (n,v)– Long, mournful cry or howl.



Thank You For Reading; animals and their sounds

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