Difference Between Above And Over
Above और Over दोनों का use ऊपर के sense के लिए किया जाता है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है की आप इनका use कहीं पे भी कर लें, तो आइये जानते है की की किस case मैं हम Above और Over का use करते हैं। Difference Between Above And Over

Above: ऊपर (not 90 Degrees)/Over: ऊपर (ठीक ऊपर 90 Degrees)
- The mango is over/above the pineapple.
- Apple, Orange, Mango, Coconut, Cherry, and strawberry are above the pineapple
- The helicopter is hovering just above/over the building.
आमतौर पर हम Numbers के साथ Over का use करते हैं और इस case में हमे उस sentence से “more than” का feeling आता है।
Over = more than (numbers)
- My boss gets over 5,000 emails a day.✅
- My boss gets above 5,000 emails a day. ❌
Note:Temperatures की बात अगर हो तो zero या Average के साथ Over का use नहीं करते हैं बल्कि Above का use करते हैं लेकिन इसे छोड़ कर कोई और context की बात हो तो हम दोनो Above या Over में किसी का भी use कर सकते हैं।
- It is five degrees above zero.✅
It is five degrees over zero. ❌ - It is six degrees above average.✅
It is six degrees over average. ❌ - We need to reduce the temperature since it is above/over 25 degrees.
- There are over 50 people working in that building.
- I weigh over 60 kg.
- My friend had been there for over 12 hours.
जब हम किसी से comparison करते हैं और उस case में “Better than = से अच्छा” का feeling आता हो तो हम आमतौर पर “above” का use करते हैं।
above = better than (something/someone)
- My students performed above my expectations on that test.
- If we talk about performance, You are above me.
- This pen is above that one in terms of looks.
किस चीज को अगर cover करना हो तो आप Over का use करे।
- It’s shivering cold so put a blanket over the baby.
- It will help if you put a hand over your mouth when you cough.
- please pour some more cream over the ice cream.
किस चीज के निश्चित लेवल से ऊपर की बात हो तो above का use करें।
- My city is 2000 meters above sea level.
- His name is written above my name on the list.
- My height is above average.
जब कोई चीज किसी चीज के ऊपर से move कर रही हो तो Over का use करें।
- He jumped over the rope.
- The ball went over the building.
- The stone just went over me.
- The helicopter is passing over my building right now.
Unique case
There = Over there, Here = Over here
- I met him over there.
Or, I met him there - What are you doing over here?
Or, What are you doing here?
Right here यहां पर / यहीं पर /यहां ही
Right over here : ज़ोर से या चिल्ला के कहना यहां पर/यहीं पर /यहां
- A: Where are you, man? (over a phone call)
- B: I’m right here just next to you.
- A: What the f*** man! where you are?
- B: Idiot, I’m right over here having a piece of funnel cake. or, I’m just right here having a piece of funnel cake.
Right there : वहां पर / वहीं पर / वहां ही
Right over there : ज़ोर से या चिल्ला के कहना वहां पर / वहीं पर / वहां
- Sudhir to Mohan: Hey buddy! Have you seen my brother where he is?
- Mohan: Yes, I have. He’s right there.
- Sudhir: I’m sorry but I can’t see him.
- Mohan: Hey man, he’s right over there wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants.
or, He’s just right there wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants.
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