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How to talk about Science and Scientist – WPME

How to talk about science and scientist
What scientist:

  • is interested in the advancement of mankind?
  • is a student of the heavens?
  • explores the physical qualities of the Earth?
  • studies all living matter?
  • is a student of plant life?
  • is a student of animal life?
  • is professionally involved in insects?
  • is a student of language?
  • Is a student who studies the meaning of words, sentences, and phrases and their psychological effects?
  • studies the culture, structure, and customs of different societies?

Click here to read: Words to Describe Medical Specialist, Words to Describe Personality


How to talk about science and scientists by hindiseenglish.com
How to talk about science and scientist


An astronomer – (Astron: star, nomos: arrangement, law, or order)
-a scientist that is interested in the study of planets, stars, and other celestial bodies.

-interested in the arrangement of stars and celestial bodies

-the science is astronomy
astronomical (adj) – it’s often used in a non-heavenly sense

-as in (for example): the astronomical size of the National debt

other words
astrology, astrologer, astronaut, cosmonaut, astrophysics



Anthropologist – (Anthropos: mankind, human races, Logos:study)
-मानव विज्ञानी
-a scientist that studies the development of the human race and its culture and society


Biologist – (Bios: life)
-a scientist who studies all living things
all forms of living matter (amoeba to the amazingly complex, and mystifying structure)

other words
Biology, Biological



Botanist – (Botane : plant)
-a scientist that studies plants such as flowers, trees, shrubs, Marine, vegetarians, mosses, blossoms, fruits, seeds, grasses, and so on that make up the plant Kingdom)

other words
Botany (field),



Entomologist – (entomon: insect)
-कीटविज्ञानशास्री or कीटविज्ञानी
– a scientist who studies insects

en – in, ec- : (from Greek Ek-) – out

in- : in
ex- : out

other words



A geologist – (geo: Earth, logos: study)
-a scientist who studies the earth and is interested in some important questions such as
(a) How did the planet Earth come into being?
(b) What’s the earth made of?
(c) How were its mountains, ocean, Rivers, and valleys formed?
(c) what’s deep down if one starts digging?

other words
Geography, Geographer,




Philologist –
-भाषा विज्ञानी
-An expert in linguistics and language

Semanticists – (semantikos – significant, semanien: to show by sign, signify, point out, indicate by a sign,
sema: mark, token)

-an expert who studies the meaning, sentences of language
-semanticist is interested in determining the psychological causes and effects of what people says and write
-interested in more than the dictionary meaning of words



Sociologist – (socius: companion
com – with, together & panis – bread
if you’re social, you enjoy breaking bread with companions)

-समाजशास्त्री or समाज-शास्र का अनुयायी
-a student of the development of human society and the social change of a human being and the consequence of doing something in this society

other words
science of social structures & customs  – sociology
pertaining to the science of group cultural  – sociological (adj)




Zoologist – (zoion: animal)
-जीव विज्ञानी
-a scientist who studies animals from birds to bees, fish to bowls, reptiles to humans

other words
zoo: a park for animals is shortened form of the zoological garden




Aster (astron: star)
-तारे के आकार का फूल
– star-shaped flower



Asterisk (astron: star)
– a star-shaped character
-एक तारे के आकार का character



Astrology (Astron: star)
-a study of the movement and relationships among stars, moon, sun and planets in a belif that their movements can have an influence on our lives



Astronomy (Astron: star)
– The study of the stars, moon, and other objects in space



Astrophysics (Astron: star)
-खगोल भौतिकी
– a branch of physics dealing with heavenly bodies

other words



Autobiography (auto: self; graphein – scratch, to draw, to write)
– a story of one’s life that’s penned by oneself




Autonomy – (nomos : arrangement, law, or order)
-स्वायत्तता or स्वयं शासन
-auto self

(n.) self-government, political control, independence

other words




-शव परीक्षा or मुर्दे की चीरफाड़
– the examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death, ( postmortem)
etymologically, the surgeon, or pathologist by means of dissection. They find out what brought the corpses to its grievous state)




Biography ( bios: life, graphein – scratch, to draw, to write)
– writing about someone’s life


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-जीवित ऊतकों की जांच
– an examination of living tissue (disease tissue)

or, a view through a microscope of living tissue frequently performed when cancer is suspected



Geography (geo: Earth; graphein – scratch, to draw, to write)
-भूगोल or भूगोल-शास्त्र
– Study of the earth- mapping
-practitioner is a geographer
Geographic (adj)



Geometry (geo: Earth; metron: measurement)
– the branch of mathematics involving points, lines, planes, figures, triangles, squares, and prism.

mathematician = Geometrician
Geometric (adj)



George – (geo- Earth, ergon: work)
earth-worker, farmer



Metronome – (metron: measurement; nomos regulating; nemien: to regulate)

-a devise that makes a tick-tick sound like a clock and produces time at a selected rate and it is used by musicians that help them play any kind of music at a certain time




– diagram of paths of the sun, moon, and planets




a tome

-a part cut from the whole

-a large book that is heavy and dull in content



Anatomy – ana- : up (it’s various meanings), tome: a cutting

-cutting up of a plant or animal to determine its structure later bodily structure

The study of body structure

Adj – anatomical




Anglophile – (anglus: English)

-वह जो अंग्रेजी से प्यार करता हो।
-one who loves British people, customs, culture



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Aphrodisiac – (Aphrodite – goddess of love and beauty of Greek)

-कामोद्दीपक औषधि
-a drug that causes sexual arousal

aphrodisiac (n/adj); aphrodisiacal (adj)




Asocial (a- : not, negative)
– withdrawn from contact with people and feel completely different to interests or welfare of society

their behaviour are detrimental or destructive




Atom – (a- : not, negative; tome: a cutting)
-smallest particle of an element that can’t be cut any further
Adj: Atomic



Bibliophile – (biblion : book)
– किताब- प्रेमी
-a lover of books



Dichotomize (dicha- : in two, tome : a cutting)
-द्विभाजित करना या दो भाग करना
– split in two




Dichotomous (dicha- : in two, tome : a cutting)

– dividing into two branches or two parts which have two opposing aspects

Dichotomous thinking

Dichotomy – (dicha- : in two, tome : a cutting)

a splitting/cutting/division in two parts usually contradictory parts

e.g. a man is a clerk all day and a night teacher.
[here, the life of a man splits into two parts so this is called dichotomy in his life
verb: Dichotomize, adj: Dichotomous]




Eccentric – [ec- out (from Greek ek-)]
– विलक्षण व्यक्ति या सनकी या उत्केंद्र
-(a) out of centre
(b) unconventional and slightly strange
Noun: Eccentricity
ec – out, kentron/centrum- centre




Entomologist [entomon – insect, tome – a cutting
en – in
ec- out (from Greek ek-)

in – in
ex- out]

-कीटविज्ञानशास्री या कीटवैज्ञानिक
– a scientist who studies insects

syn – insectology


Epitome – (epi- : on, upon; tome: a cutting)
-निष्कर्ष or सारसंग्रह or सारांश
-a summary, abridgment of language,
e.g. let me have an epitome of the book.
Gimme the epitome of his speech



Epitomize (epi- : on, upon; tome: a cutting)
-संक्षेप करना
– be a perfect example of; to summarize

  • Her kind behaviour epitomizes her philosophy of life.
  • ​I had to epitomise my spoken English course in front of all students



Linguistics – (lingua : tongue)

-भाषा विज्ञान
-the scientific study of the language and its structure




Philadelphia – (adelphos – brother) – a city of brotherly love




Philander (philein – To love; Andros: male)
-प्रेमालाप करना
– to engage in extramarital sex; to play around sexually, be promiscuous, or have extramarital relations; to engage in love affairs frivolously or casually




Philanderer (philein – To love; Andros: male)
-ऐयाशी करनेवाला or छिछोरा
– One who enjoys sex with multiple women



Philanthropy (philein : love; Anthrops: mankind)
– The love of mankind
philanthropist, philanthropic




Philharmonic – (harmonia – harmony)
-संगीत प्रिय या संगीत प्रेमी
-devoted to music, the love of music or harmony




Philology – (Logos: word, speech, science or study)
-a study of language and literature
etymologically the lover of words




Philosophy – (philein : love; Sophos: wise)
-Love of wisdom;



Philtre – a love potion or a drink that arouses feelings of love and desire




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