List Of Words Based On Root Amb, Ambi, and Amphi Hindi
Root Amb, Ambi, and Amphi एक Latin Word से आया है जिसका अर्थ है “both” and “around”.

Amble (v)– To walk for no reason (अकारण चलना)
- She has been reluctant to amble with me.
- Would you like to amble down to the market?
- I along with my friends ambled down to the riverbank where they were having a picnic.
Ambiparous (adj) – Having both leaves and flowers (पत्ते और फूल दोनों का होना)
- Can you write down five flowers’ names that are ambiparous?
Ambiguity (n) – The quality of uncertainty in meaning; multiple meanings; uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language (अस्पष्टता)
- It’s not damn easy to understand the teacher due to the ambiguity of the words he uses while delivering a speech.
- His statement made him embarrass before us because it had lots of ambiguities.
You’re reading: Root Amb Ambi and Amphi
Ambiguous (adj)– unclear or doubtful in meaning + figure (अस्पष्ट)
- Don’t ever try to translate Vedas into your mother tongue, for you will find each and every word of Sanskrit is ambiguous.
- Why the hell have you brought the same topic that has been discussed with no conclusion. We ended up ambiguously.
- Could you tell just one word that is ambiguous?
- Of course, it’s bear which has more than five meanings so I guess it’s ambiguous.
Ambient (adj)– Ambient: Moving around; surrounded on all sides; as the ambient air (चरों तरफ से घेरने वाला/व्यापक)
- Although there were ambient sounds of kids in her background, yet I talked to her pleasantly.
- The ambient temperature of my village rises to 40 to 45°C.
- The ambient light of the temple had its own feel.
- Those assassins tried to take her liberties in the ambient place.
Ambit (n) – boundary, limit (सीमा)
Ambience (n) – Environment surrounding; an atmosphere
- Being a student, I don’t need a cozy ambience to study.
- One needs an appropriate ambience in order to speak English fluently.
Ambiance (n)– Environment surrounding; the atmosphere
Ambivalence (n) – the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes; mixed feelings or emotions. (दुविधा/क्या करें क्या न करने वाला स्तिथि)
- Katappa was in the ambivalence that made him stab Bahubali to death.
- The cab driver was in an ambivalence whether he should react or not but till then Priyadarshini had taken the advantage of being a girl.
- You must ask your elders whenever you‘ve to deal with ambivalence,
You’re reading: Root Amb Ambi and Amphi
Ambivalent (adj) – having two mixed feelings or emotions at the same time but that opposes each other (किसी चीज या किसी व्यक्ति के लिए अलग-अलग विचार रखना।)
- Raj Mata Shivagi Devi made Katappa ambivalent when he was commanded to kill Bahubali.
- Stop being ambivalent, go and purpose her.
- It would be better if you sort out your problems as soon as possible or else it would start causing different types of problems and would make you ambivalent to decide which one should sort out first but till then you would have wasted lots of your precious time.
Ambivert – one who has characteristics of both “an introvert and extrovert” and can turn one’s thoughts both inward and outward (जिसके पास “introvert और extrovert” दोनों की विशेषताएं हो)
- (a) If you like making friends, doing parties and all. You’re an extrovert.
- (b) If you don’t like making friends, spending time with people. You’re an introvert.
- (c) If one does have characteristics of both (a) & (b) is an ambivert.
Ambisinister (adj) – clumsy or unskillful with both hands (दोनों हाथों से अकुशल)
- He is ambisinister so don’t let him join you for the creation of Rangoli because he will make it a mess.
- He used to be a phenomenal painter but since he started drinking a lot, he has made himself ambisinister guy.
Ambidextrous (adj) – ability to do any work using both hands equally very well
- Boman Irani who had played the role of college director, Dr, Viru Sahastrabuddhe, was ambidextrous.
Ambisinister (Adj)– Awkward or clumsy with both hands. (दोनों हाथों से कुशल)
Ambulance (n)– A vehicle that takes sick and wounded to a hospital.
- It’s legal for an ambulance to break the signal rules.
- Being a responsible citizen of India, one must give way to an ambulance come what may.
perambulator (n); perambulate; perambulation per= baby – (n.) one who makes a tour of inspection on foot, pedestrian; baby carriage
- It‘s become a trend to take the baby in a perambulator for a ride.
- She had taken her baby in a perambulator to breathe fresh air but on the way back home she met an accident due to her negligence.
Ambidexter (n) – One who uses both hands with skill
Ambidextrous (adj) – able to use both hands equally well; very skillful; deceitful, hypocritical + organisation+ approach.
Ambitious (adj) -determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. (महत्त्वाकांक्षी)
- All of her classmates started laughing at him inexplicably in the class because of pursuing his dream being ambitious all the while.
- He was very ambitious and determined to top the school.
- His behaviour seems to be inexplicable owing to being ambitious to a great extent.
Ambisexual (adj)– having or showing sexual attraction for both genders; pertaining to or affecting both sexes (उभयलिंगी)
- Everybody knew that he was ambisexual but the interesting thing was that he couldn’t resist falling himself in love with a robot, Sofia.
Ambisextrous (adj) -attracted to both genders
- Your wife was my ex-GF so I know that she is ambisextrous she can have a sexual partner of either gender.
Ambifix (n) -A string of characters that are used for both prefix and suffix.
Ambiguous (adj) – If you describe sth ambiguous that means that thing is having more than one meaning which makes one confused (अस्पष्ट)
Ambigender (rooadj) – Ambigender: Of both male and female genders.
- Her appearance makes her ambigender.
- I enjoy myself being ambigender, for none can easily gender me either I’m a boy or a girl.
Ambigram (n) – A word that can be read upside down (एक शब्द जिसे उल्टा पढ़ा जा सकता है) for e.g. swims, suns
Ambisense (adj) – virus contains both + and – sense RNA
Ambilateral (Adj)– pertaining to both sides (द्विपक्षीय)
Ambilateral (adj) -Pertaining to both sides [Ambi- (both), later (side), -al (pertaining to)]
- The boy and the girl were having ambilateral feelings for each other.
Ambitransitive (adj) verbs/clauses – Able to be used transitively or intransitively without requiring morphological change.
Ambiphilic (adj) – one who likes partners of both genders (जो स्त्री या पुरुष दोनों के partners को पसंद करें।)
- Try to overpower your lust, man. It has made you ambiphilic
Amphiphilic (adj)– Having both electrophilic and nucleophilic character
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